Terms & Conditions

Latest Update – 15th November 2023


This document sets out the terms and conditions for the use of https://fundraise.materfoundation.ie/event/words-of-light (the ‘Site’), which is owned and operated from Ireland by the Mater Foundation, trading as the Mater Hospital Foundation (the ‘Foundation’), with a registered address at 53-54 Eccles Street, Dublin 7, Ireland, CHY 9768 | CRO 108518 | RCN 20024505.

These Terms and Conditions may be updated periodically by the Foundation. You can find the date of latest update at the top of this document.

By continuing to access the Site, you agree to review and adhere to these Terms and Conditions, which are binding each time you access the Site.

Acceptable Use of the Site

Any information contained on the Site is for personal use only and may not be sold or distributed in any form. We reserved the right to suspend the use of the Site generally or block your access to any part of the Site and/or to suspend or terminate your rights to use the Site, you agree not use the Site or cause or permit the Site to be used in any manner which may prejudice or jeopardise the integrity of the Site or the operation of any network.

You agree not to collect information about others, including e-mail addresses, without the consent or to distribute, download, upload or transmit any material which contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other harmful or disruptive components. In addition, you will not use the Site for any commercial purposes without the consent of the Foundation. You further agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Foundation for any loss, expenses or damage you suffer or incur if you breach any of these obligations or any other Terms and Conditions.

Any communication of material (including any data, questions, comments, suggestions) that you transmit to or post on, any public area of Site, is and will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information.

Links to other sites

The Site may contain links to third party websites. These links are provided for your convenience only and you are solely responsible for evaluating the content and accuracy of materials on such websites. If you choose to access linked third-party websites, you do so at your own risk and such websites may provide their own privacy information and other terms and conditions.

Site Content

This Site provides a means by which to donate to support patients in the Mater Hospital and feature a virtual star and message of support, as well as information about Mater Hospital Foundation and its impact. 

All imagery, text and other material (the ‘Content’) on this website is protected by copyright and you may not modify, sell, reproduce, display or otherwise use this content for any public or commercial purpose.

Any reproduction of the Content on this website is only permissible by obtaining express permission from the Mater Hospital Foundation in writing.

Data Security and Confidentiality

By accessing the Site, you understand and accept that data being submitted to and downloaded from the Internet may not be free from interference by third parties. As such, the Foundation cannot guarantee confidentiality or privacy of any such information.

As per our Privacy Statement, any personal information which you volunteer via the Site will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with recognised international standards and good practices. For more information see - https://www.materfoundation.ie/about-us/privacy-statement/

The Mater Hospital Foundation adheres to compliance with National and European Data Protection Laws, namely the Data Protection Acts 1988- 2018, including GDPR which entered into force across EU Members States automatically in May 2018. The legislation confers rights on individuals in relation to the privacy of their personal data as well as responsibilities on those persons holding and processing such data.


The Mater Hospital Foundation takes every care to ensure that the information provided on the Site is accurate and up-to-date. However, we make no representations or warranties as to the lawfulness, accuracy, reliability, completeness of the Content accessed while using the Site. The use of the Site is entirely at your own risk.

The Foundation does not warrant that the website or its servers are free of viruses or other harmful programs. Should the use of this Site result in the need for servicing or repairs to computer equipment, the Foundation is not responsible for those costs.


If any provision of this document is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this document, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of this document shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term. The Foundation may at any time and without liability modify, suspend or discontinue the Site or any Content (or any part or specification thereof), with or without notice, for any valid technical, operational or commercial reasons. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and the Foundation with respect to the use of the Site.